A Few Paper Towel Alternatives from Home Cleaning Overland Park Professionals

A Few Paper Towel Alternatives from Home Cleaning Overland Park Professionals

As you must be knowing that there are a variety of all-natural cleaners — such as vinegar or lemon juice —but finding green cleaning tools can be tricky. This is especially true when it comes to paper towels. Paper towels are incredibly helpful, but they’re also disposable which might not be ideal if you’re looking to reduce your carbon footprint or live a more sustainable lifestyle. Fortunately, there are green cleaning supplies available for people to choose from.

Here’s a list of two environmentally friendly options from home cleaning Overland Park professionals and learn what to use instead of paper towels:

Microfiber Cloths– Microfiber cloths are known for being not only absorbent but quick drying. In addition, the tiny split fibers of these cloths are very effective when it comes to cleaning because they’re small enough to pick up dust and dirt particles, as well as many bacteria. You would be surprised to know that some microfiber cloths can withstand even more than 500 washings when taken care of properly.

Bamboo Towles- Bamboo paper towels are one of the newer paper towel alternatives on the market which can be purchased online and are mostly sold in a roll. Bamboo towels are gaining immense popularity among people which can be attributed to the fact that they are more durable than regular paper, meaning you don’t need as many per mess. Each roll has 20 sheets, which means one roll of bamboo towels can net you about 2,000 uses.

Ways to use the paper towel alternatives:

The following three tips can help you to use these cleaning supplies in the best possible way.

  1. Regardless of whether you’re cleaning a sink or washing a cutting board, there’s a good chance your green cleaning supplies will come into contact with microorganisms that could be harmful to your health if left unchecked. So, make sure you wash paper towel alternatives often (on a regular basis). It is better to keep them in their own hamper.
  2. Color coding can be very helpful when using microfiber cloths. You would most probably not want to wipe down the kitchen counters with the same cloths you used to clean the toilet, even if they’ve been washed. It is better that you purchase microfiber cloths that are sold in multicolor packs and then assign green to kitchen chores, blue to the bathroom and yellow to dusting, which will eliminate this concern.
  3. You can save a lot of money if you go for paper towel alternatives. You have to care for the products properly in order to reap the economic benefits. Look up the internet about how to clean a microfiber cloth and follow the care instructions for your bamboo paper towels.

There can be nothing better than going green by going ahead with paper towel alternatives. It might take some time for getting used to, but once you’re in the full swing of going green, you will never go back to your old ways of using disposable products.

If you are looking for house cleaning services in Overland Park, Tidy Up Angels LLC in the region is the place for you.

We are a company in Overland Park that you can trust. Our goal is to provide our customers with a unique and superior cleaning experience. Contact us on 913-642-2006, we have been providing residential cleaning to the Overland Park area since 2008.

Clean your House in The Right Order from Home Cleaning Overland Park Services

Clean your House in The Right Order from Home Cleaning Overland Park Services

The case mostly is that when someone cleans the house, most people randomly start in one room and then move to the next without any rhyme or reason. It is very important to map out a plan of attack when it comes to cleaning the house. Your cleaning won’t be efficient if you don’t. In addition to everything, planning your cleaning will make the task more manageable.

Here is a right order for cleaning the house from home cleaning Overland Park services.

Clean the Most Difficult Room– When it comes to cleaning, the bathroom may be one of the smaller rooms, but it’s also more time-consuming. It is not only the shower and tub that needs to be washed, but there’s also the toilet, the sink and all those little fixtures that need to be scrubbed and polished. There can be no better idea than making the washroom the first room you clean because bathroom cleaning is both time and labor-intensive. Afterwards, all your chores will seem easier.

Dusting and Organizing– Your next move should be to tackle the dusting throughout the house because when you clean, the dust has to go somewhere and typically, that place is on the floor. It is advisable that you should not clean the floors before you take on the dusting as you’re just going to have dirty floors again. Make your way throughout the house using a duster, dust mop and a vacuum cleaner. You’ll want to be certain you get those easily forgotten areas such as ceiling fans, baseboards and blinds. Take the time to organize disheveled areas as you dust surfaces like the tops of coffee tables and dressers.

Mopping and Vacuuming– It’s time to clean your floors first now that they are covered with dust. Vacuum throughout the house first, do this even on hard-surface floors, as vacuuming is much easier than sweeping and has the same end result. Move on to mopping or cleaning your floors afterwards. You may need to mop the floor each time you clean your house, in rooms like the kitchen and bathroom.

Kitchen Cleaning– Cleaning the kitchen would be fairly easy if you regularly wipe down the counters and tackle spills when they happen. Simply wipe down the outside of your refrigerator, cabinets and appliances. Next, clean your stovetop, microwave and sink. This is it for the kitchen.

This is an appropriate plan for a weekend session of house cleaning that’s meant to help you maintain your home. If you have made up your mind for a major clean for routine upkeep, there can be nothing better than going for house cleaning services in Overland Park.

In Overland Park, contact Tidy Up Angels LLC on 913-642-2006 which has been providing residential cleaning to the Overland Park area since 2008.  We are a company in Overland Park that you can trust. Our goal is to provide our customers with a unique and superior cleaning experience.

Integrity is at the heart of everything we do. We take pride in the role we play in the lives of our customers. We live by the continuous improvement model.  We work tirelessly to figure out ways to add more value to the service we provide.

Fun Outdoor Games and Activities for Kids from House Cleaning Overland Park Services

Fun Outdoor Games and Activities for Kids from House Cleaning Overland Park Services

It is better that your child spends the summer vacation by stepping outside and enjoying some real action rather than playing some virtual games at home which will make your kid’s summer vacation more fun. Like we all know that kids today live in an automated world and an average kid spends 30 minutes outside while several hours in front of computer screen or television. As a parent you must be aware of the fact that lack of physical activity can affect both the mental and physical growth of your child and outdoor activities are not only fun but healthy too.

Here’s a lowdown from house cleaning services in Overland Park on top fun outdoor activities for kids. These outdoor activities can chase the bored blues away and keep your child active. The good part about these activities is that most of them are inexpensive. Read on:

Gardening– Gardening is a great way to develop new skills. Kids can learn about plants, flowers, insects, etc. Encourage your child to build an organic garden for himself. All the work like planting, watering, weed pulling, etc should be done by your child- all by himself or herself.

Football– This is a fabulous game that can keep your kid engaged. Points to follow:

  1. Parents should keep a watch on their kids while they engage themselves in kicking and catching the football, so that your kids do not get injured.
  2. Football provides a great way to keep children physically fit and strong.

Painting- Painting gives a child an exposure towards art. You can buy some spray bottle, and add some washable paint to it.

Bridge Ball– This is an interesting outdoor activity for kids which can be played by parents as well.

  1. The target of the game is to pass the ball between the legs of an individual. Players are required to stand in a circle with wide straddle steps and hand on knees.
  2. The ball would be thrown between legs of any player, before it passes through, players need to stop it.
  • Each time it passes through, a point is scored by the opponent. Remember, players must keep their hands on knees.

Pass the Ball- Participants need to sit in a circle and are required to pass the pillow until the music stops.

  1. The player holding the pillow while the music stops, is out.
  2. Let the kids continue, until one kid is left as a winner.
  • This can be a wonderful party play for your kid’s birthday bash!

Swimming– Apart from being a great outdoor activity, swimming is a great life skill and also a good fitness regime to maintain all through life. It is also one of the most favorite outdoor entertainments that refreshes and relaxes both the mind and the body.

Cycling– It is a simple activity and a good exercise as well. Cycling gives the freedom to roam around independently but be careful and plan your kid’s journey in a quiet road or woods in order to make it more adventurous.

Hula Hoop Freeze– This is a fun activity.

  1. Place several hula hoops all over the playing area.
  2. One kid is the ‘it’ and has to tag the others. At your signal, the ‘it’ will start chasing the kids to tag them. Kids can hop inside the hula hoop to avoid tagging but can stay inside only till a count of ten. Only one kid is allowed inside each hoop.

While your kids are busy outside, it is the best time that you call for house cleaning services in Overland Park. Approach Tidy Up Angels LLC, we are a company in Overland Park that you can trust. Our goal is to provide our customers with a unique and superior cleaning experience. Contact us in Overland Park on 913-642-2006, we have been providing residential cleaning to the Overland Park area since 2008.

Impress Your Mother-in-law With These Bathroom Cleaning Tips In Overland Park

Impress Your Mother-in-law With These Bathroom Cleaning Tips In Overland Park

If anyone is making her list and checking it twice, it is your mother-in-law checking in to see if everything is alright in the house. A few of the mother-in-law approved cleanings include:

  • Vacuum under the sofa, between the cushions and by the baseboards.
  • Make sure the kitchen is spic and span – not just the windows and floors, but the appliances and cabinets too.
  • Do not forget the bathroom.

We are listing a few bathroom cleaning tips from house cleaning services in Overland Park which can prove to be the best gift that you can give your mother-in-law on the eve of mother’s day.

Read on:

The routine bathroom cleaning, in general, takes place only once in a week which mostly involves scrubbing of the tub and shower walls. But there are some parts of the bathroom that need to be addressed more frequently than every seven days. Here’s a lowdown on a few parts of the bathroom that needs to be touched up in between weekly cleanings:

Clean the Toilet– It’s one of the most germ-ridden areas of the home. In fact, the waste in your toilet mixes with the flushing water and sends plumes of microbes into the air which can land on toilet seats, lids and other surfaces. You should make it a point to clean your toilet once or twice a week, however, the toilet doesn’t always require complete cleaning. You can simply wipe down the seat and sides with a bleach wipe until and unless you start to see a ring in the toilet bowl.

Get rid of the Trash– If your bathroom sees a lot of traffic, there are chances for your bathroom trashcans to be filled up quickly. So you need to make sure to empty the wastebaskets every few days so that they don’t spill over and cover your bathroom floor with floss and tissue.

Change Linen- If your bathroom is used very frequently, linen will need to be freshened every day or two. Also wash your bathmat mid-week. Go for the clean sets waiting in the linen closet and get rid of the used bath and hand towels. The bathroom is quite a busy place so sweep every few days in order to clean up any hair or rogue fingernail clippings that have fallen.

Wipe the Mirror and Sink– In the course of a week, your sink and mirror will most likely be subject to many sessions of tooth brushing and hair combing. Wipe hair off the sink with a piece of toilet paper each time you brush or style, and toss that in the trashcan rather than the toilet so that your hair doesn’t stop up the commode. Use a dry microfiber cloth to wipe away any toothpaste on the mirror or sink so that they don’t harden before your next weekly bathroom cleaning.

The frequency with which you should be cleaning your bathroom totally depends on how much your bathroom is used. It is totally up to you with regards to how often should you be cleaning your bathroom in between weekly housekeeping. You’ll find your home’s bathrooms seem much fresher using the above-mentioned bathroom tidying tips. Moreover, it would also not take much time to finish off with a detailed bathroom cleaning alongside tackling your regular housework.

For professional house cleaning services in the Overland Park region, contact Tidy Up Angels LLC on 913-642-2006, we have been providing residential cleaning to the Overland Park area since 2008.