by Tidy Up Angels Team | May 31, 2018 | cleaning services overland park
Aluminum foil is a staple in most household pantries, as it comes in handy for everything from wrapping leftovers to lining the drip pans below your stove burners. But you will be surprised to know that there are many more aluminum foil uses other than cooking and wrapping up extra slices of pizza. It can be used as a common household material to clean.
Today we are going to throw light on some of the ways to use aluminum foil for cleaning purposes. The tips are by maid service Overland Park professionals.
Cleaning Silverware with Aluminum Foil
You can easily clean the tarnish off of silverware with aluminum foil. Moreover, this method isn’t even labor intensive.
Requirements– Aluminum foil; a glass baking dish; enough boiling water to completely submerge your silverware in the baking dish; ½ cup of distilled white vinegar; 1 tablespoon of baking soda; 1 tablespoon of sea salt; a microfiber cloth; tongs.
- Use the aluminum foil to completely line the glass baking dish and make sure that the shinier side of the foil is facing upwards.
- After combining baking soda and sea salt, sprinkle the mixture into the dish.
- Now, add vinegar to the dish which will give rise to fizz as it reacts with the baking soda.
- Be careful with not scalding yourself, add the boiling water to the baking dish.
- In a single layer, place your silverware along the bottom of the dish and make sure that each piece is making contact with the aluminum foil.
- Depending on how heavy the tarnish is, let the silverware soak for 30 seconds to 3 minutes.
- Make use of the tongs to remove the silverware from the solution.
- Dry and buff your silver with a microfiber cloth.
- For any additional batches of silverware that you need to clean, repeat these steps with fresh solution.
Sharpening Scissors with Aluminum Foil
Believe it or not, you can sharpen scissors with aluminum foil.
Requirements- A sheet of aluminum foil about 12 inches long and your dull scissors.
- Fold your foil lengthwise several times as you need to have a folded strip of foil that is several layers thick and about one-inch wide.
- Working lengthwise, cut the foil with your scissors. Make sure you make full cuts, so that the entirety of the blades is sharpened. The idea behind this method is that cutting the foil will hone your scissors.
- Snip a piece of paper in order to test the sharpness of your scissors.
- After your scissor blades are sharpened to your liking, wipe them down with a damp paper towel to remove any remnants of the foil.
Removing Rust Using Aluminum Foil
The material is known for really bringing the shine back to the chrome.
Requirements– Aluminum foil; dishwashing liquid; microfiber cloths; a bucket of water.
- Create some soapy water by adding a few drops of dishwashing liquid to the bucket of water and swishing it around.
- Dampen the microfiber cloth and clean off the chrome area that has been rusted. It will make it easier for you to see the rusty patches.
- Rinse it out after emptying your bucket. Then fill it with plain water.
- Tear off a strip of aluminum foil and dip it in the bucket of water.
- Rub the wet foil gently on the rusted spots.
- Make sure to wipe away any bits of rust with a dry microfiber cloth every now and then.
- Repeat this process until all the rust has been removed.
- Buff the chrome with a clean microfiber cloth and apply a coat of wax or polish to prevent future rust buildup.
Hope these tips will be of advantage to you. For more information or to hire professional maid services in Overland Park, approach Tidy Up Angels LLC by calling us on 913-642-2006.
by Tidy Up Angels Team | Mar 9, 2018 | cleaning services overland park
There is no doubt about the fact that if you cook or eat at home often, a dishwasher can any day simplify your life, regardless of the size of your household. Although most kitchen items can be popped into the dishwasher after they have been used, but there are some cookware which should never see the inside of that appliance. It is a bit difficult to know about what is dishwasher safe and what is not unless there’s a sticker or print on the bottom of a pot or a kitchen utensil to tell you that. Today we are listing a number of items that should not be put in the dishwasher which has been provided by professional maid service Overland Park providers which will prevent your products from getting damaged:
Stainless Steel- There are some items, such as stainless-steel silverware or mixing bowls which could make it out of the dishwasher unscathed. But, a few other items forged of this material, especially cookware like pots and pans which should only be washed by hand. The jury is still out on whether or not it’s safe for all stainless steel to be cleaned in the dishwasher. It is better to not take unnecessary risks and handwash all of these items.
Cast Iron Skillets- It is a resounding NO. Not only is it prone to rusting, but also cast iron is seasoned, which is why there are special cleaning rules you need to be aware of when cooking with this material.
Copper Pots- Like you all know, copper is a popular choice for cookware as it is a great conductor of heat. The metal’s warm hues mean it’s not too shabby to look at either. You can dull their shine and lead to their shorter shelf lives if you put your copper pots and pans in a dishwasher. If you want your copper pots to last, it is better not to put them in a dishwasher.
Some Other Items– We have outlined three materials above, in addition to these there are some other items that shouldn’t be placed in a dishwasher. This is a list of several common kitchen items that should always be washed by hand. This is not a comprehensive list, if you are not sure of what not to put in a dishwasher, it is better that you go ahead with handwashing.
Things Not To Put In A Dishwasher:
- Any items made of aluminum
- Enameled cast iron
- Family heirlooms, crystal, gold-plated dishware, fancy china or expensive glassware
- Good kitchen or steak knives
- Insulated mugs
- Non-stick pots, pans and bakeware
- Plastic storage containers or appliance components made of plastic, unless the manufacturer’s instructions specify they’re dishwasher safe
- Wooden utensils or cutting boards, including knives with plastic handles
Hopefully, you have got an idea about which cookware and kitchen items should not be put in the dishwasher. But you should also make sure to clean this kitchen appliance from time to time.
For professional house cleaning services, approach Tidy Up Angels LLC which has been providing residential cleaning to the Overland Park area since 2008. Earlier, the household cleaning work was majorly done in-house by a maid. Professional services were seldom hired especially for the residential sector. In commercial places also, in-house cleaners used to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of the area. But with time, there has been a rise in a completely new and flourishing industry of professional cleaning services provided by trained cleaners. These cleaners are totally different from in-house cleaners and are proficient in their work. Contact us on 913-642-2006 and get a spic and span home.
by admin | Oct 7, 2017 | residential cleaning services Kansas City
Becoming a homeowner is more than just being able to afford a home and properly furnishing it. The real challenge lies in how well you keep it clean. While many people employ residential cleaning services Kansas City, this is not something that many people can do on a daily basis. There are also many household cleaning tasks that a Kansas City Maid Service will not usually touch on. As such, before you call your home maid cleaning service you should have some cleaning know-how to get you by during the in-between times and additional tasks. Fortunately, these super useful cleaning secrets and hacks will help you with just that:
1. Have an odor-free refrigerator with coffee grounds. Local house cleaning services do not usually include refrigerator cleaning, so if you want to make your refrigerator odor-free place a cup of new or even used coffee grounds inside. The interior will absorb the scent of the coffee for several weeks until you will have to replace it.
2. Clean your dishwasher hassle-free with white vinegar. If your residential cleaning services Kansas City will not touch on this cleaning task, you can do it yourself in a stress-free manner. Pour half a cup of white vinegar into your dishwasher detergent cup and turn on the (empty) machine, letting it run for one whole cycle. The result will be better than you putting half your body in and scrubbing it yourself!

3. Use dryer sheets to clean pots and pans. If you do not feel like scrubbing pots and pans with a deep crust that resulted after baking, you may be tempted to just let a home maid cleaning service do it. Instead, leave one dryer sheet in every pot or pan, fill it up with water and leave overnight. The following day, swirl the dryer sheet around and see how the residue is very soft and clings to the dryer sheet. The combination of fabric softener and antistatic agent helps the residue loosen from the pot and be easily wiped up by the dryer sheet.
4. Nix garbage grime with old newspapers. Slimy and stinky garbage grime may turn you off and make you wish that local house cleaning services would come over and clear it for you. But it does not have to accumulate like that ever again! By lining your garbage bins with old newspapers, you have something that absorbs the slimy leaks and stinky odors before they get gelled up at the bottom.

5. Deodorize and clean your microwave easily with water and lemon juice. Cleaning your microwave might not be on the list of services of a Kansas City maid service overland park, so here’s a quick trick to do it. Squeeze the juice of a small lemon into a small bowl of water, place in a microwave (along with the lemon peels) and turn it on high for 4-5 minutes. The evaporating lemon scent will cut through lingering food odors, while the steam will soften up any splatters that will make for real easy wiping.
These five super useful cleaning tips and tricks are so easy to apply, you will probably get to do them all in one night – and many nights regularly so soon after that!
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