Thanksgiving Cleaning Checklist
Not only does Thanksgiving require hours of cooking, you have to clean the house for guests too! You’ll be too busy to clean every corner, closet, and bedroom. Plan ahead and tackle big projects first, then focus on cleaning the rooms that your guests are going to see and spend time in. Here is our thanksgiving cleaning checklist:
Two Weeks Ahead: Tackle any organizational tasks or things that will stay relatively clean for 2 weeks
- Clean the refrigerator to make room for Thanksgiving food. Be ruthless! You’ll need the space.
- Clean out a coat closet if you plan on hanging guest’s coats there
- Do any outdoor chores: raking leaves, etc.
- Wash any serving dishes or utensils that haven’t don’t get used regularly
- If you are using special china or glassware, wash and polish
- If you have any cluttered areas you don’t want guests to see, organize them now
- One-Week Ahead: This is the time to do a really deep cleaning so that the house will be just need a quick touchup the day before
Thoroughly dust, paying extra attention to window sills and other places guests might lean and talk Vacuum, and sweep:Â Â
- Use a brush attachment on the sofa and other upholstered furniture. Have a microfiber couch? Clean it up.
- Clean windows in dinning room, kitchen, living room and any glass in the front door.
- Wash and iron any tablecloths and napkins that have been stored for a while. Deep clean bathrooms guests will be using- sink, toilet, shower, tub, mirrors, and floors.
- Thoroughly clean the oven and stovetop and exhaust fan- you’ll want to have a clean range for all the cooking you’ll be doing.
The Day Before Thanksgiving: Touchup Time
- Touch up the bathrooms- wipe mirrors, the top of the toilet, an the faucet
- Touch up dusting, vacuuming and sweeping- it shouldn’t be too bad since you did it a week ago
- Run and empty the dishwasher
- Set the table- if you don’t need to use the dinner table for cooking preparation, set it the day before so it will look nice for arriving guests and you’ll have one less thing to do
- Put out any candles or decorations
Thanksgiving Day:
- Put out fresh towels in bathrooms
- Take out the trash before guests arrive- it will be full after all the cooking
- Wipe down the stove
- Clear away countertops- guests congregate in the kitchen
While Thanksgiving is a lot of work, it is also very rewarding to spend time with friends and family in a festive atmosphere. Taking the time to clean ahead of time will help you enjoy the cooking and socializing without being stressed or embarrassed about your housekeeping.  Looking for a BETTER & EASIER Way to Clean Your Home? Using our cleaning service in Kansas City, you can count on our skilled staff to take care of any loose ends throughout the week. Call us today to our teams of professional cleaners are ready to take care of the hard work for you. Book a clean today and leave the rest up to us – Treat yourself and your home! Tidy Up Angels has been providing residential cleaning service to the Overland Park area since 2008. Trusting someone to clean your home can be a little unnerving. If this is your first time hiring a cleaning company, we want you to know that you can relax with Tidy Up Angels. Our company is fully insured and bonded; safeguarding your most personal possessions. Honesty, integrity, and good work ethics are the back bone of our company. We aim to meet all your expectations and we hope to exceed them during each service. Let us know how we can help with your house cleaning services in Overland Park and how we can help you – contact Tidy Up Angels LLC at 913-642-2006.
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