What’s not to love about Halloween? If you’re anything like me, you’ll be thinking about when to plan your trip to the pumpkin patch, what costume you’ll be wearing and (most importantly) what movies you’ll be watching throughout the spooky season well before October 31st rolls around. When it’s finally time to unleash the Halloween fun, there’s another very important thing that we mustn’t forget – the party! If you’ve put your hand up to host this year’s Halloween soiree, be prepared to put in a little elbow grease when the dust (glitter? fake blood?) has settled. The below tips will help to guide you along while cleaning up any aftermath of your ghoulish gathering:

Not just a delicious treat! Did you know that candy also doubles as a sticky mess of a ‘decorative’ item? If the candy you’ve left out has made its way to walls, furniture or floors, you’ll need to get to it ASAP to avoid any potential stains. First, mix a dash of dish soap and a cup of warm water and blot the stain with a clean cloth. If that doesn’t work, mix one-third vinegar and two-thirds warm water – blot once again and then scrape off any remains.

Did you leave your pumpkin to sit outside or in the window for a litle longer than it should have? Jack-o’-lantern guts is one of the easier Halloween messes to get rid of. Just get a spoon and scrape up as much as you can, then get out the trusty dish soap and water mixture once again and give the rest a good scrub.

Were you terrorized by a gang of 4-feet tall mischief makers in costume? Toilet Paper in the trees? Easy. Just wrap the end of a stick in duct tape and go to town – just do it before it rains or you’re going to have some serious papier-mache on your hands. Victim of a good old-fashioned egging? Just pick up any egg-shells before hosing off cars or porches and remove any leftover residue by resting a cloth soaked in half-water, half-vinegar on the mark for 15 minutes before wiping it down with a second clean cloth. Good as new.

There’s a saying about two things being certain in life – death and taxes. This is incorrect. It clearly fails to mention life’s third certainty, that is, you will absolutely be finding glitter in places you never thought possible for months, years and maybe even decades after you use it. Use a vacuum to get as much of it out of the way as possible, and life hack: a ball of play dough, lint-rollers or a bundle of tape will work a charm in picking up any sparkles that won’t budge from your floors.

Depending on what your guests decided to dress up as (and how they decided to behave), the list could go on and on. A roaring party can have an aftermath that isn’t too dissimilar to a horror movie, and even the mellowest of Halloween parties aren’t safe from a little wine spillage. But like any type of cleaning, the sooner you do it, the sooner your place will be back to its sparkling best.

Having said that, if relaxing after a busy Halloween is more your style, our teams of professional cleaners are ready to take care of the hard work for you. Book a clean today and leave the rest up to us – Treat yourself and your home! Tidy Up Angels has been providing residential cleaning service to the Overland Park area since 2008. Trusting someone to clean your home can be a little unnerving. If this is your first time hiring a cleaning company, we want you to know that you can relax with Tidy Up Angels. Our company is fully insured and bonded; safeguarding your most personal possessions. Honesty, integrity, and good work ethics are the back bone of our company. We aim to meet all your expectations and we hope to exceed them during each service. Let us know how we can help with your house cleaning services in Overland Park and how we can help you – contact Tidy Up Angels LLC at 913-642-2006.

Ultimate Fall Cleaning Checklist

Ultimate Fall Cleaning Checklist

In the Kitchen & Bathroom
-Clean your kitchen grout.
-Clean your bathroom grout.
-Clean your refrigerator coils, if applicable.
-Clean under your refrigerator.
-Clean the inside of your dishwasher.
-Clean and condition the wood of your bathroom and kitchen cabinets.
-Clean your oven.
-Wash and disinfect all the garbage cans.
-Seal and/or polish granite countertops.

In the Bedroom (and Closet)
-Refresh bedding that isn’t regularly washed (comforters, pillows, etc.).
-Vacuum and flip mattresses.
-Put cold-weather linens on the beds.
-Switch out seasonal clothes.
-In the Living Areas
-Vacuum upholstered furniture.
-Vacuum under your upholstered furniture cushions.
-Polish your wood furniture.
-Wash artificial plants.
-Dust living plants’ leaves.
-Wipe down your screens (TV, computer, etc.).
-Clean all keyboards and remote controls.

All Around the House
-Wash your walls.
-Wash your windows, window sills, and all the window groves.
-Clean your washer and dryer.
-Clean your doorknobs, doors, and lightswitch plates.
-Vacuum under all beds, couches, and other furniture.
-Dust the tops of doors and door frames.
-Spot clean carpets and rugs.
-Clean floors underneath area rugs.
-Wash curtains or have them cleaned.
-Remove and rinse your window screens.
-Wash your washable vacuum cleaner filters.
-Clean your baseboards.

Tackle Some Seasonal Maintenance
-Change your HVAC air filter.
-Replace your fire alarm batteries.
-Condition your leather furniture.
-Dust your ceiling fans and set them to turn so air circulates upward.
-Sweep the chimney and/or have it checked.
-Clean out rain gutters.
-Check weather stripping and replace as necessary.

Treat yourself and your home! Tidy Up Angels has been providing residential cleaning service to the Overland Park area since 2008. Trusting someone to clean your home can be a little unnerving. If this is your first time hiring a cleaning company, we want you to know that you can relax with Tidy Up Angels. Our company is fully insured and bonded; safeguarding your most personal possessions. Honesty, integrity, and good work ethics are the back bone of our company. We aim to meet all your expectations and we hope to exceed them during each service. Let us know how we can help with your house cleaning services in Overland Park and how we can help you – contact Tidy Up Angels LLC at 913-642-2006.


End of Summer Cleaning

End of Summer Cleaning

The end of summer usually means warm temperatures and, therefore, running the air conditioning a bit more than usual. It also means we’re just a few months away from crisper air and possibly running the heater. Now is the perfect time to cross a few healthy home maintenance to-dos off your list to make sure the air is circulating properly and everything is in tip-top shape.

1. Change Air Conditioning Filters
Plus, changing your filter at the start of every season helps protect and maintain your system.

2. Review Hot Water Heater Settings
Set hot water heaters at 120 degrees Fahrenheit or below to avoid potential scalding.

3. Clean The Stove
Over time, grease can build up around the stove, increasing the chances of a fire.

4. Look For Cracks
Inspect the floor, walls and foundation of the home for cracks. Jot them down on your home to-do list, and fix them before they lead to deterioration and wood rot.

5. Check Weatherproofing
Sometimes it’s rubber which loses shape or sometimes wood doors and windows expand and contract. Check to see what kind of shape it’s in and replace it before it rains.

Treat yourself and your home! Tidy Up Angels has been providing residential cleaning service to the Overland Park area since 2008. Trusting someone to clean your home can be a little unnerving. If this is your first time hiring a cleaning company, we want you to know that you can relax with Tidy Up Angels. Our company is fully insured and bonded; safeguarding your most personal possessions. Honesty, integrity, and good work ethics are the back bone of our company. We aim to meet all your expectations and we hope to exceed them during each service. Let us know how we can help with your house cleaning services in Overland Park and how we can help you – contact Tidy Up Angels LLC at 913-642-2006.

When to start fall cleaning?

When to start fall cleaning?

When Do You Start Fall Cleaning?

The shortest and obvious answer for when you should start fall cleaning is to start when fall begins. Fall starts on the autumnal equinox which lands on or around September 22nd. It lasts until the winter equinox which is in late December.

The better answer is to assess your current home situation and start when it’s the best time for you.

To help you make your assessment, I came up with a few questions and tips you may want to keep in mind…

What Fall Cleaning Do You Need To Do?

Creating a good fall cleaning checklist is a must. It helps you to plan ahead and stay on target. It helps you keep track of what you complete and what you will still need to do. Plus it is satisfying to check things off a list!

To create a fall cleaning checklist walk from room to room through your with a notebook. Take note of what needs deep cleaned, organized and repairs that you need to make.

As you look around pay attention to:

  • Inside drawers
  • Behind furniture
  • Closets
  • Windows
  • Fans and lighting
  • Crown molding
  • Under furniture and cushions.
  • Draperies, blinds, and valances.
  • Pantry
  • Coat Closets
  • Electronics
  • Fire Places
  • Furnace and utility rooms

Do the same for the exterior of your home. Inspect:

  • Siding
  • Roof
  • Gutters
  • Garden areas
  • Garage
  • A/C or Heat Pump
  • Sidewalks
  • Driveways
  • Porches
  • Deck
  • Outdoor Furniture
  • Other Landscaping
  • Weatherstripping

Be sure to think ahead. Some things need cleaned and maintained now. Some will need to be done later in the fall. Also, think about weatherproofing your home for the upcoming winter.

Treat yourself and your home! Tidy Up Angels has been providing residential cleaning service to the Overland Park area since 2008. Trusting someone to clean your home can be a little unnerving. If this is your first time hiring a cleaning company, we want you to know that you can relax with Tidy Up Angels. Our company is fully insured and bonded; safeguarding your most personal possessions. Honesty, integrity, and good work ethics are the back bone of our company. We aim to meet all your expectations and we hope to exceed them during each service. Let us know how we can help with your house cleaning services in Overland Park and how we can help you – contact Tidy Up Angels LLC at 913-642-2006.

Back To School – Cleaning Tips and Ideas

Back To School – Cleaning Tips and Ideas

It’s back to school time once again, a time many busy parents use to catch up on some much-needed cleaning that can be hard to accomplish in a full house. As a preferred house cleaning service in Kansas City, we have pinpointed some of the most common areas in which parents can get behind. See how you can get your home back in order after a long summer.

Go Through Outgrown Clothes

You’ve probably already gone school clothes shopping. Now, their closets and drawers contain both the new and the old. Sit down with the kids and examine every article of clothing they own. If it’s something they have outgrown or never wear, throw it out. It’s likely you could also cut back in your own closet. You’ll cut back on laundry and save storage space for clothes that actually get used regularly.

Establish a Shoe Station

As the season progresses, you can count on rain, ice, snow, and more. It’s inevitable that dirt, mud, and other residues will cling to the shoes of everyone in the home. Take 30 minutes to establish a shoe station on the front and/or back porch where shoes are to be removed. You can even get creative and place a sign at your shoe station(s). Make it fun – you can have an areas that says “Lose the Shoes.”

Helpful Tip: If you have hardwood floors, lay a rug in your shoe station to catch dirt before it makes contact with the wood floor.

Designate Chore-Time and Make It Fun

You’d be surprised at how willing the kids will be to join in at chore time when you make it fun. First, designate a time during which everyone will participate. This establishes a routine and gives everyone a better sense of overall organization and structure. Try making a list of everything that needs to be done. Write each chore on a piece of paper, slip it in a hat, and have participants draw chores. It’s always more fun when you play upbeat music in the background.

Soak After Dinner

Nobody wants to waste their time scraping dried cheese, sauce, and other residues as they clean up after dinner. You’re full, and you’re probably ready to sit down and relax! Before dinner is served, fill up the sink with hot, soapy water. Have everyone rinse their plate and put it in the sink to soak when they’re done eating. It’s a small step that only takes a minute or two that can save even more time and energy later.

Small Steps Go a Long Way

Most of the tips listed here don’t require much of your time or effort. However, they all make life easier and are simple to get the whole family involved in. With everyone working as one, you can enjoy a school year with a home that’s easy to keep in proper working order.

Treat yourself and your home! Tidy Up Angels has been providing residential cleaning service to the Overland Park area since 2008. Trusting someone to clean your home can be a little unnerving. If this is your first time hiring a cleaning company, we want you to know that you can relax with Tidy Up Angels. Our company is fully insured and bonded; safeguarding your most personal possessions. Honesty, integrity, and good work ethics are the back bone of our company. We aim to meet all your expectations and we hope to exceed them during each service. Let us know how we can help with your house cleaning services in Overland Park and how we can help you – contact Tidy Up Angels LLC at 913-642-2006.