by admin | Oct 10, 2017 | move in out cleaning services
Moving to a new home is always exciting, whether it’s your very first bachelor pad or a more spacious place for your growing family of five. Regardless, the task of cleaning before moving in is always first on the agenda. Busy folks might consider getting a Kansas City maid service and hire them for move in out & deep cleaning services. Others forgo local house cleaning KS (even with all the house cleaning deals Kansas City) and attempt to do much of the work alone. Here are some cleaning tips that you should think about when moving to a new house, whether you are hiring a Kansas City maid service or choosing to clean your new place yourself!
1. Start cleaning the week (or two weeks) before the movers bring everything in. You can already hire a Kansas City maid service to do a thorough scrub down when it is relatively easy, meaning there is little or no furniture to navigate around and get in the way of steady cleaning.

2. Always start with the kitchen. Before you or your local house cleaning KS starts on move in out cleaning services anywhere else, the kitchen should be the first area to become spotless. This is to ensure that the place where you will cook your first meal will be clean and sanitary. It may take you several days or weeks to fully unpack everything, but you will be eating several times a day in the kitchen all throughout.
3. Proceed with the areas you are not likely to clean as much when everything’s settled. We’re talking areas like inside the cupboards, walls that need to be scrubbed, baseboards and moldings, basements and attics, radiators, and garbage disposal units. Your Kansas City maid service that you got from house cleaning deals Kansas City should prioritize this. You are not likely to touch these areas once you and your local house cleaning KS have already pushed in the furniture in and around these places.
4. Add an antibacterial touch to the areas that your family will be frequently touching or putting things on. While your move in out cleaning services are busy polishing up the windows, go around the house and start wiping places with an antibacterial solution such as doorknobs, drawer and cabinet handles, countertops and surfaces, and other areas where your hands are likely to always be in contact with.
5. Have cleaning kits at the ready in each area or room of the house. When your move in cleaning overland park help you put everything in place, things can go much faster if you don’t have to walk all the way to the other end of the house just to borrow that one broom you have, or wait for your son to finish using the bucket so you can use it yourself. Having cleaning materials and tools at the ready will mean everyone (including your local house cleaning KS) can easily reach for what they need – and finish in the least amount of time!
by admin | Oct 7, 2017 | Home Cleaning Overland Park
Putting your home up for sale will require major cleaning, sometimes from professional home cleaning services or a cleaning service Kansas City. But when you don’t have access to professional move in/out cleaning at the moment, there are still some things you can do on your home. Read this short checklist that tackles all the areas you can do yourself. When you have time, you may want to call the cleaners or residential post construction cleaning to handle the other parts that you couldn’t!
1. First things first: tidy up your things. Before you call professional home cleaning services or do the cleaning yourself, the prerequisite is always to tidy up. Put your home in order and throw away what needs to be discarded. This eliminates the junk from your home so you are just left with whatever really needs to be cleaned by yourself or a cleaning service Kansas City.
2. Scrub down the walls. New people entering your house for the first time will immediately notice how your walls look, which is why many get professional move in/out cleaning to make their walls as clean as possible. If you don’t have time or the budget to get the whole house repainted, at the very least scrub it down with some detergent and water to get the grime out.
3. Make your floors shine. Mopping the floor is a good thing, but what will really make it stand out is to make it shine. Some residential post construction cleaning go the extra mile by waxing and polishing the floor to make it look extra nice, especially before a home walk through.
4. Vacuum or launder the carpet. If you have a carpet, it is good for you to vacuum it thoroughly and focus on removing some stains if there are any. You don’t want people sneezing because of the dust it’s accumulated, nor do you want them to sidestep suspicious looking stains that can lower the asking price of your home!
5. Clean and clear your furniture. If you still have a lot of furniture left in your current home, by all means set it up so it looks neat and not too lived-in. If you can, put some in storage so the house is as bare as it can get. Having furniture around can give prospective homeowners an idea of how to set up your house. On the flipside, it can also prevent them from seeing the overall quality of the house or its personal potential for dressing up.
6. Wash down cabinet doors. You may not notice it, but cabinet doors can get stained over the years. A few swipes at them with some soapy water will reveal just how bright they originally were, according to professional home cleaning overland park. Go through all the cabinet doors in your house and give them a good scrub down.
These six tips will help make your home look cleaner, brighter, and deserving of an asking price that mirrors its beauty!
by admin | Oct 7, 2017 | House Cleaning Services Overland Park
If there is something common across most households that local house cleaning services visit, it’s that mold grows in different places. Any residential maid service will tell you that molds grow where humidity is most obviously present such as windows, light switches & more and that they often spring up in places we overlook. House cleaning in KC will always include the eradication of these molds but you do not need to wait for house cleaning deals Kansas City to spot them yourself. Here are five places where these pesky molds will likely sprout their ugly, allergy-inducing heads! Read to know how you can get rid of them!
Molds in Refrigerator Drip Pans
Local house cleaning services often insist on clearing the drip pan of your refrigerator because mold can grow there. This is due to the collection of food spills and moisture, which makes for an ideal environment for mold growth. To clean it, a residential maid service advises spraying it with a mixture of one teaspoon hydrogen peroxide diluted in 1 cup of water. After spraying, wipe clean using a white vinegar-soaked rag.
Molds in Chimneys
House cleaning in KC will point out a significant collection of mold in your chimney, which is unsurprising considering the amount of dirt, debris and water that gets collected there. When you score house cleaning deals Kansas City, you will definitely have it checked out. But on your own, ensure that you replace any caps if they are rusted.
Molds in Window Seals
It’s practically normal for local house cleaning services to discover molds in window seals and even sashes because the condensation that occurs allows for moisture that encourages mold growth. With its exposure to dust and dirt that serve as its food, mold will definitely grow there! A residential maid service suggests opening your windows and wiping down the moisture at the bottom after a heavy rain. Window and house cleaning in KC will also be easier if you repair or replace broken or failing window sashes to lessen condensation.

Molds in Front Loading Washing Machines
See the gasket found on your front-loading washing machine’s door? Because it is often wet and is exposed to lint, mold multiplies easily. While house cleaning services Overland Park ks include a good scrub down, this part might be missed. To keep it mold-free, always wipe the glass and the gasket dry prior to closing the door. As per local house cleaning services, if mold is already present, run an empty load with hot water and chlorine bleach that will help to eliminate the fungi!
Molds in Air Conditioners
Because your air conditioner traps pollen and dust and gathers moisture found in the air, you have a recipe for mold success! This is especially true if your air conditioner remains unused in warm weather, which will encourage mold to grow not just in the ducts but also on the coils and the drain pans. To wipe it out, clean the air conditioner blower with a vacuum that has a HEPA filter. Flush the coils and scrub down the drain pan with a water and bleach solution (with a 1:1 ratio). Make sure you run your air conditioner for at least ten minutes each day to prevent mold from accumulating.
Now that you know where mold also grows in your home, it is time to seek and destroy them!
by admin | Oct 7, 2017 | cleaning services overland park
House cleaning does not exactly rank high up in most people’s lists of enjoyable things to do. This is why many individuals hire home maid cleaning services from reputable house cleaning services Kansas City. While there certainly are many benefits to enlisting local house cleaning services, one usually cannot afford to do this every couple of days. Despite it being a professional job, a Kansas City House Cleaning recommendation is you still do your share of house cleaning in between local house cleaning services. Here’s how to make it more enjoyable:
1. Invest in good cleaning equipment. Put the fun back in cleaning and delay calling up the home maid cleaning service by choosing cleaning equipment that you like and will make the job easier for you. Buy scrubbing brushes in your favorite color, liquids in scents you like, and invest in high powered gadgetry (like vacuums) that cut cleaning time in half. When you like your tools, you are more inclined to whip them out.
2. Make a realistic cleaning schedule. When house cleaning services overland park Kansas City come in, they do all the work in one day. As for you, however, you can probably choose a few cleaning chores per day to keep it manageable. This is so you do not feel overwhelmed and just call your local house cleaning services because you can do it yourself without feel very tired soon after.
3. Distribute the workload. If you live with other people, get them to have their fair share of tasks. This is a common Kansas City House Cleaning recommendation because many hands make light work. Make sure that when you assign chores, it is something each person can do and takes into consideration his or her schedule.
4. Motivate yourself with a reward. Looking forward to a simple but nice treat after cleaning the house might have you cleaning as if a home maid cleaning service had done the job! Rewards need not be extravagant: opening that tub of your favorite ice cream, going out for a pizza dinner, setting up the tub for a nice and relaxing soak – these simple pleasures are made all the more meaningful when you put in some house cleaning work to justify them.
5. Leave the big tasks to the pros. There are some aspects of house cleaning that people really dread: clearing out the roof gutter, washing all the windows, scrubbing the garage, and more. Decide to give up on these tasks and allow house cleaning services Kansas City to take over. You do not need to stress over things like these when you can turn your attention and energy to more important stuff like family, wellness, and social life. It can also help to make your more simple tasks like sweeping the kitchen or vacuuming the couch a lot easier in retrospect.
House cleaning need not be something to dread or something to look at in a negative light. In between calling up local house cleaning services, these tips will surely make you feel that housework is not just doable but also enjoyable!
by admin | Oct 7, 2017 | residential cleaning services Kansas City
Becoming a homeowner is more than just being able to afford a home and properly furnishing it. The real challenge lies in how well you keep it clean. While many people employ residential cleaning services Kansas City, this is not something that many people can do on a daily basis. There are also many household cleaning tasks that a Kansas City Maid Service will not usually touch on. As such, before you call your home maid cleaning service you should have some cleaning know-how to get you by during the in-between times and additional tasks. Fortunately, these super useful cleaning secrets and hacks will help you with just that:
1. Have an odor-free refrigerator with coffee grounds. Local house cleaning services do not usually include refrigerator cleaning, so if you want to make your refrigerator odor-free place a cup of new or even used coffee grounds inside. The interior will absorb the scent of the coffee for several weeks until you will have to replace it.
2. Clean your dishwasher hassle-free with white vinegar. If your residential cleaning services Kansas City will not touch on this cleaning task, you can do it yourself in a stress-free manner. Pour half a cup of white vinegar into your dishwasher detergent cup and turn on the (empty) machine, letting it run for one whole cycle. The result will be better than you putting half your body in and scrubbing it yourself!

3. Use dryer sheets to clean pots and pans. If you do not feel like scrubbing pots and pans with a deep crust that resulted after baking, you may be tempted to just let a home maid cleaning service do it. Instead, leave one dryer sheet in every pot or pan, fill it up with water and leave overnight. The following day, swirl the dryer sheet around and see how the residue is very soft and clings to the dryer sheet. The combination of fabric softener and antistatic agent helps the residue loosen from the pot and be easily wiped up by the dryer sheet.
4. Nix garbage grime with old newspapers. Slimy and stinky garbage grime may turn you off and make you wish that local house cleaning services would come over and clear it for you. But it does not have to accumulate like that ever again! By lining your garbage bins with old newspapers, you have something that absorbs the slimy leaks and stinky odors before they get gelled up at the bottom.

5. Deodorize and clean your microwave easily with water and lemon juice. Cleaning your microwave might not be on the list of services of a Kansas City maid service overland park, so here’s a quick trick to do it. Squeeze the juice of a small lemon into a small bowl of water, place in a microwave (along with the lemon peels) and turn it on high for 4-5 minutes. The evaporating lemon scent will cut through lingering food odors, while the steam will soften up any splatters that will make for real easy wiping.
These five super useful cleaning tips and tricks are so easy to apply, you will probably get to do them all in one night – and many nights regularly so soon after that!
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